Krill Oil For Women - How Does it benefit You?

Krill is well known as the exclusive food source of the biggest mammal on the planet - the blue whale. But krill is also gaining popularity as the source of krill oil, an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, which can lower the risk of heart disease and help sacrifice the level of Ldl ("bad") cholesterol while expanding the level of Hdl ("good") cholesterol in the blood.

Pregnancy Body Oil

Both krill and fish oil comprise omega-3 fatty acids. However, krill oil also has the antioxidant astaxanthin, which give krill as well as other animals like shrimp, lobster, salmon, and flamingos their pink color.

Krill Oil For Women - How Does it benefit You?

Astaxanthin is not just any antioxidant because aside from having the potential to prevent or slow the ensue of free radicals on the body, it also stops the disease-causing effects of free radical chain reactions. Studies have shown that astaxanthin is ten times more efficient than other antioxidants, such as vitamin E and beta-carotene.

Moreover, the Dha and Epa (omega-3 unsaturated fats) in krill oil are gift in phospholipids, the main structural components of cell membranes. This means that the body can very verily suck in krill oil.

Researches show that this oil can help women in assorted ways.

Pms (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Many women suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome brought about by hormonal changes that regularly occur two weeks before menstruation. There are over 150 symptoms attributed to Pms including irritability, feelings of depression or anxiety, changes in appetite and sleeping patterns, and physical indications like swelling or tenderness of the breasts, muscle and joint pain, headache, and others. The phospholipids found in krill oil helps in the general hormonal regulation, which lessens the ensue of Pms.


Endometrial ablation, menstrual cramps, and menstrual disorder all refer to the pain women go through during menstruation. This debilitating condition can be avoided by taking in omega-3 to balance the inordinate amount of omega-6 acids that cause hormonal imbalance.


Growing old is inevitable. However, krill oil helps slow down the process. How? Antioxidants are known for fighting the aging process. Free radicals cause cells to disintegrate. Antioxidants, like astaxanthin found in krill oil, will help slow up the harmful effects of free radicals on the body.


Women are at greater risk for osteoporosis because women's bone density naturally starts lower than that of men. Epa in omega-3 increases calcium that is deposited in the bones and improves bone strength.

Weight Loss

Women (and men) are constantly struggling to lose weight for a collection of reasons.

Some want to lose weight for good condition while others for improved self-confidence. Whatever you conjecture is omega-3 may help solve your weight issues. A study has shown that omega-3 in fish and krill oil could growth the amount of fat calories burned in a day. One of the reasons why omega-3 has a very potent ensue on fat metabolism is that the insulin levels are reduced up to fifty percent.

Like fish oil, krill oil has many benefits. However, studies show fish oil supplements have higher amounts of the needful Dha and Epa than krill oil so it may be more useful in the long term.

If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of omega 3 fish supplements and krill oil for women, please visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.

Krill Oil For Women - How Does it benefit You?

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